Calendar / Times / Term Dates
Public Holidays / Teacher Only Days
Meet the Teacher: Tuesday 30th January
Waitangi Day: Tuesday 6th February
Easter Break: Friday 29th March - Tuesday 2nd April
Teacher Only Day (Curriculum): Friday 31st May
King's Birthday: Monday 3rd June
Matariki: Friday 28th June
Teacher Only Day (Interviews): Friday 5th July
Teacher Only Day (Curriculum): Friday 25th October
Labour Day: Monday 28th October
Public Holidays / Teacher Only Days
Meet the Teacher: Thursday 30th January
Waitangi Day: Thursday 6th February
King's Birthday: Monday 2nd June
Matariki: Friday 20th June
Teacher Only Day (Interviews): Friday 27th June
Labour Day: Monday 27th October
Our school day is split into three main learning blocks.
Students eat at the end of their morning tea break.
At lunchtime, there is time for students to eat before they go out to play and when they come back after their break.
Bells signal the start and end of the day as well as the end of break times.